Zookeeper Cluster

Setup Zookeeper Cluster – A minute chore

  Despite the fact that Apache Zookeeper’s functionalities are not legitimately noticeable to end-client however it remains as the spine for hyped components like Hadoop to oversee automatic failover, Kafka’s […]

Apache Zookeeper QuorumPeerMain

Resolve Apache Zookeeper starting issue installed on multi-node cluster

This miniature article explains how to resolve the error “Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain“ when we start the Apache Zookeeper (apache-zookeeper-3.5.6.tar.gz) installed on a multi-node cluster. […]

Kafka Zookeeper disintegration

Why disintegration of Apache Zookeeper from Kafka is in pipeline

  The main objective of this article is to highlight why to cut the bridge between Apache Zookeeper and Kafka which is an upcoming project from the Apache software foundation. […]