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DataView is a web-based learning and knowledge-sharing platform designed to assist technophiles, freshers, and students interested in growing their careers in Data Science by unlocking knowledge, skills, and opportunities through in-depth blogs, top-notch courses, videos, discussions, and more. Conduct use case analysis followed by the architecture, design, and development of proof-of-concept projects for real-time scenarios, including digital payment gateways, real-time streaming data analysis, and more. It is the correct spot to learn and create abilities received by IT monsters and MNCs over the globe to quicken their organizations. With our platform, you can evaluate the technical abilities of your teams, align learning to key business objectives, and close skills gaps in critical areas like large volumes of data security in a distributed environment, lightning-fast data processing engines, cluster management, etc. Processing and analyzing the exponential growth of digital data is the only option for organizations to gain momentum in terms of growth. It’s not just about learning technology, development of proof of concept (POC) matters to evaluate technical issues. This platform helps you move forward with the right approach, technology, and the right skills. Additionally, we direct physical preparation on request just as workshops.  RSS Feed


Technology Platforms for Big Data processing and analyzing:

  • Hadoop
  • Spark
  • Apache Flink
  • Data security
  • Kafka

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Our experienced professionals, from different parts of the world, offering videos, case studies, POCs, training through this online platform. Students and professionals from any parts of the globe can access those without going to the classroom and prepare themselves for the vast emerging IT market for the jobs. You are welcome to share your technical expertise through this platform in form of videos, study materials, case studies etc so that this online platform can be knowledge provider for the underprivileged community.

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Case Studies

Effective Image Analysis on Twitter Streaming using Hadoop Eco System on Amazon Web

December 9, 2016

We have published a research paper on Hadoop and Ecosystem using real-time case study, in “International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering” ISSN:2277 128X You can […]


Proof of concept to analyse huge application log files using Hadoop cluster on IBM Cloud Platform

January 17, 2017

Analysing the application log files generated on production environment are very challenging. Data in the log files are in unstructured format and hence to leverage the query functionality, they can’t […]


Effective Usage of ISO 8583 Messaging System in Payment Gateway

December 9, 2016

We have published a paper in “ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology (AJET), an International online Journal.” ISSN:2348-7305 on ISO 8583 Messaging System. Paper title:- Usage of ISO 8583 Messaging System […]


Hadoop - The Answer

The giant organizations across the globe are using legacy mainframe systems due to it's scalability, security and reliability of machine's processing capacity subjected to heavy and large workloads. Of course, these infrastructures desire huge hardware, software and processing capacity. As the technology advancing very rapidly, scarcity of mainframe technicians, developers etc are increasing and it has become a major challenge for those organizations to continue their operations. The maintenance/replacement of these hardware are also another threat due to low production of various parts by different vendors. Besides, performing analytics on mainframes systems is extremely inconvenient and comparing with the latest visualization tools, Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) are not adequately supported by mainframes systems. Henceforth, many organizations have decided to migrate a portion of or the entire business applications involving batch processing running on mainframe systems to present-day platforms.

With the arrival of Big Data technologies into today's technology market, the mainframes' maintenance and processing expenses can be reduced by integrating a Hadoop layer or completely off-loading batch processing to Hadoop. Because Hadoop is an open source framework which is cost effective, scalable, and fault tolerant and can be deployed to clusters consisting of commodity hardware.

By leveraging commodity hardware and Hadoop which stands as open-source technology, the Hadoop data lakes offering a less expensive repository for analytics data over traditional data warehouses. Besides, the Hadoop data lakes smart enough to hold a diverse mix of structured, unstructured and semi-structured data and make them a more suitable platform for big data management and analytics applications than data warehouses based on relational software.

Offloading Mainframe Applications to Hadoop is now an achievable option because of its flexibility in upgrading the applications, improved short-term return on investment (ROI), cost effective data archival and the availability of historical data for querying. Huge volumes of structured and unstructured data plus historical data can be leveraged for analytics instead of restricting it to limited volumes of data in a bid to contain costs. This helps improve the quality of analytics and offers better insights on a variety of parameters to create value. Download Our Free E-Books!!