Real-Time Redefined: Apache Flink and Apache Paimon Influence Data Streaming’s Future

Apache Paimon is made to function well with constantly flowing data, which is typical of contemporary systems like financial markets, e-commerce sites, and Internet of Things devices. It is a […]

Bridging the Gap: Unlocking the Power of HDFS-Based Data Lakes with Streaming Databases

Big data technologies’ quick development has brought attention to the necessity of a smooth transition between real-time data analytics and batch processing systems. Since HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) based […]

Which Flow Is Best for Your Data Needs: Time Series vs. Streaming Databases

Data is being generated from various sources, including electronic devices, machines, and social media, across all industries. However, unless it is processed and stored effectively, it holds little value. A […]

RisingWave- An unwrinkled road to event stream processing

A distributed SQL streaming database called RisingWave makes processing streaming data easy, dependable, and efficient. Businesses can quickly and effectively respond to user behavior patterns by utilizing real-time analytics. This […]