Exploring Telemetry: Apache Kafka’s Role in Telemetry Data Management with OpenTelemetry as a Fulcrum

With the use of telemetry, data can be remotely measured and transmitted from multiple sources to a single place for control, analysis, and monitoring. The process of gathering data from […]

Integrating rate-limiting and backpressure strategies synergistically to handle and alleviate consumer lag in Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka stands as a robust distributed streaming platform. However, like any system, it is imperative to proficiently oversee and control latency for optimal performance. Kafka Consumer Lag refers to […]

Leveraging Apache Kafka for the Distribution of Large Messages (in gigabyte size range)

In today’s data-driven world, the capability to transport and circulate large amounts of data, especially video files, in real-time is crucial for news media companies. For example, an incident occurred […]

Causes and remedies of poison pill in Apache Kafka

A poison pill is a message deliberately sent to a Kafka topic, designed to consistently fail when consumed, regardless of the number of consumption attempts. Poison Pill scenarios are frequently […]

Apache Kafka’s built-in command line tools – A hidden gem to scan internals.

Several tools/scripts are included in the bin directory of the Apache Kafka binary installation. Even if that directory has a number of scripts, through this article I want to highlight […]

Confluent’s Kafka REST Proxy, The Silk Route for data movement to operational Kafka cluster

Aside from holding the publish-subscribe messaging system functionality, Apache Kafka is gaining outstanding momentum as a distributed event streaming platform. It is being leveraged for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, […]

Kafka multi-node cluster

Crafting a Multi-Node Multi-Broker Kafka Cluster- A Weekend Project

Over the most recent couple of years, there has been a huge development in the appropriation of Apache Kafka. Kafka is a scalable pub/sub system and in a nutshell, is […]