Forging Apache Druid with Apache Kafka for real-time streaming analytics

A real-time analytics database called Apache Druid is developed for quick slice-and-dice analysis on massive data volumes. The best data for Apache Druid is event-oriented and frequently utilized as the […]

Why Kappa Architecture for processing of streaming data. Have competence to superseding Lambda Architecture?

Data is quickly becoming the new currency of the digital economy, but it is useless if it can’t be processed. The processing of data is essential for subsequent decision-making or […]

Data Streaming

Streaming Data from Files into Multi-Broker Kafka Cluster by anchoring Kafka Connect Framework

There are multiple ways to ingest data streams into Kafka topic and subsequently deliver to various types of consumers who are hooked to the topic. The stream of data that […]

Schema Registry

Importance of Schema Registry on Kafka Based Data Streaming Pipelines

Needless to say Apache Kafka delivers messages to both real-time and batch consumers without performance degradation and in addition to that gaining enormous momentum as a foremost component for data […]

Streaming by Apache Flink

Basic Understanding of Stateful data Streaming supported by Apache Flink

The technologies related to Big Data processing platform are enhancing the maturity in order to efficiently execute the streaming data which is becoming a major focal point to take business […]