Criticality in Data Stream Processing and a Few Effective Approaches

In the current fast-paced digital age, many data sources generate an unending flow of information, a never-ending torrent of facts and figures that, while perplexing when examined separately, provide profound […]

Transferring real-time data processed within Apache Flink to Kafka

Transferring real-time data processed within Apache Flink to Kafka and ultimately to Druid for analysis/decision-making. Businesses can react quickly and effectively to user behavior patterns by using real-time analytics. This […]

Understanding of Supervisor and it’s specification in Apache Druid for real-time data ingestion from Apache Kafka

Although both Apache Druid and Apache Kafka are potent open-source data processing tools, they have diverse uses. While Druid is a high-performance, column-store, real-time analytical database, Kafka is a distributed […]

The significance of deep storage in Apache Druid

The phrase “deep storage” refers to the long-term storage system used by Apache Druid, where past data segments are preserved for durability and retrieval in the future. Druid stores data […]

Forging Apache Druid with Apache Kafka for real-time streaming analytics

A real-time analytics database called Apache Druid is developed for quick slice-and-dice analysis on massive data volumes. The best data for Apache Druid is event-oriented and frequently utilized as the […]