Tech Threads

Why should small entrepreneurs related to computer service provider adopt cloud computing

The entrepreneurs who have started to provide the services related to computer technology starting from Rich web site development, Web designing, Mobile application development, Online billing setup, Data wiping services, Computer dealers, Sell computer parts etc can adopt or tie up with cloud service providers to reduce their initial investments. Here are few basic points why to leverage cloud computing.
1. Cloud computing service providers work on pay per hour basis. There is no long term commitments. Entrepreneurs can use their services like network infrastructure, various servers on different operating system, Databases, Storage and Content managements, Analytics, Mobile services for app development, testing etc..

2. There is less investment in office setup by taking rent or lease in order to setup all computer related equipments like server setup, network switches, Database server installation etc.
3. Few small businesses have their own in house IT department and when something goes awry that the owner can’t fix, outside people are needed. These onsite service calls are often expensive and time consuming. While waiting for the technician, the temporary shutdown of the system results the loss of productivity followed by loss of revenue and waste of men power . Cloud computing solves many of these issues.
4.Cloud computing facilitates Anytime, Anywhere concept as Cloud-hosted desktops allow users to access their files anytime, anywhere, using any device. Files are no longer stuck on one single computer.
5. After migrating to the cloud, small entrepreneur have no longer to worry about power requirements, space considerations or software updates and final bottom line is that overall efficiency will be improved.
In nutshell, we can visualise cloud computing as how we are consuming the electricity in house, business places, industries etc. We have to pay the amount as per consumption but not concerned its generation and load distribution etc.

Written by
Gautam Goswami

Can be reached for real-time POC development and hands-on technical training at Besides, to design, develop just as help in any Hadoop/Big Data handling related task. Gautam is a advisor and furthermore an Educator as well. Before that, he filled in as Sr. Technical Architect in different technologies and business space across numerous nations.
He is energetic about sharing information through blogs, preparing workshops on different Big Data related innovations, systems and related technologies.

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