This short article aims to highlight the list of commands to manage a running multi-broker multi-topic Kafka cluster utilizing built-in scripts. These commands will be helpful/beneficial when the cluster is not integrated or hooked up with any third party administrative tool having GUI facilities to administer or control on the fly. Of course, most of them are not free to use. Can refer here to set up a multi-broker Kafka cluster.
Before expound the steps, should loosens up my thankfulness to all the thriving gatherings beginning from cleaning/sterile social event to Nurses, Doctors and other who are dependably battling to spare the humankind from constant Covid-19 pandemic over the globe.
By executing the built-in scripts available inside the bin directory of the Kafka installation with required parameters, we can extract information, manage topics, partitions, replication factor, etc of a running cluster. Besides, authorization management too. Here I have listed down few commands mainly relates to topic management and some basic information from the running cluster.
$Kafka_Home/bin$ ./ –version
$Kafka_Home/bin$ ./ –bootstrap-server <list of IP Address and port separated by comma(,) > –describe–bootstrap-server can be replaced with –zookeeper and the list of IP address or alias name of each zookeeper server with port.
As a example
$Kafka_Home/bin$ ./ –zookeeper,, –describe
$Kafka_Home/bin$ ./ –bootstrap-server <list of IP Address and port separated by comma(,) > –list
$Kafka_Home/bin$ ./ –bootstrap-server <list of IP Address and port separated by comma(,) > –create –replication-factor <replication factor number> –partitions <Number of partition in the topic> –topic <Topic Name>
Note:- The number of replication factor can’t be higher than the number of broker in the cluster. It can be less or equal to the number of broker in the cluster. If we provide higher number of replication factor than the broker number then InvalidReplicationFactorException will be thrown in the console.
$Kafka_Home/bin$ ./ –bootstrap-server <list of IP Address and port separated by comma(,) > –alter –partitions <Number of partition in the topic to increse> –topic <Topic Name>Replication factor of a Kafka topic can’t be altered/modified using alter command
$Kafka_Home/bin$ ./ –bootstrap-server <list of IP Address and port separated by comma(,) > –topic <Topic Name> –describe
$Kafka_Home/bin$ ./ –bootstrap-server <list of IP Address and port separated by comma(,) > –delete –topic <Topic Name>
On top of above commands using, we can change the retention time of records on a Kafka topic as well as purge. I have skipped producer, consumer, mirror maker etc and security (Authorization of a Kafka topic) using in this write.
Expectation above will profit/help you to deal with an exceptionally fundamental administrative task in the Kafka cluster and appreciated the read as well.
Reference :-
Can be reached for real-time POC development and hands-on technical training at Besides, to design, develop just as help in any Hadoop/Big Data handling related task. Gautam is a advisor and furthermore an Educator as well. Before that, he filled in as Sr. Technical Architect in different technologies and business space across numerous nations.
He is energetic about sharing information through blogs, preparing workshops on different Big Data related innovations, systems and related technologies.
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